Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I'll pretend, for the moment, that someone I'm not related to will actually find this and choose to spend time reading it. For that someone, welcome. My name's Brandon. I work for a software company. When something doesn't work, I fix it, or tell the customer what they need to fix, or I figure out where it's broken so some developer can fix it. I'm a Windows guy. And a hardware guy. And a sometimes Oracle guy. Outside of work, I'm a husband guy. And a father guy. And a music guy. And a church guy. And, and, and. And. Heck, sometimes I even try to fix my cars. We'll save those stories for days that need humor.

So why blog?

For a brain dump location. I spend a lot of time figuring odd things out. For example, when I started typing this post, I didn't know how to make the SQL statement appear in a code box. A short search later and I've 'discovered' the textarea tag. I know that I'll forget before too long. The blog will remember. I can use the power of Google's Ph.D.s to search it when I need the info again. All that to say, my brain has some very interesting retention policies. I'm sure my wife will chuckle when she reads that.

To share information with my industry peers. It's unlikely that I'll come up with an original solution, but I often need to aggregate data from different sources to come up with a holistic view of a problem and a complete solution. Also, my job has forced me to understand some things that are oft misunderstood. Maybe I'll be able to clarify something for somebody every now and then. This is partly selfish - I would like to see the overall quality of technician that I deal with on a daily basis raised, and I'd like to improve myself.

Because I suffer from 2 a. m. Syndrome. That's where you're up until 2 a. m. on a regular basis. This is typically because, at 11 p.m., you thought something like the following: 
"I wonder how hard it would be to add rndis support to the 2.6.25 kernel that runs Android on my HTC Vogue..." (Answer: Really hard if you don't know C.)

Because I'm constantly diving into new things. See blog title. In my book, the only thing worse than stumbling through something the first time is stumbling through it a second time. Keeping records is key.

To share my thoughts on any number of non-technical subjects. I suppose that's blogging 101. While the bulk of my posts here will be about things I encounter through work, I do have other interests and reserve the right to post about them at any time. You, of course, have the right not to read about them.  :)

I think this will be fun. With any luck it will be helpful and maybe, just maybe, entertaining at times. Thanks for reading!